Our Studio

Welcome To Changing Vegas Studios

During the pandemic – Covid-19 social distancing and coronavirus restrictions have made it tougher to go out and shoot videos in Las Vegas like we did when we first started the company.

So, in December 2020, we decided to create our in-home Changing Vegas Studio. It functions as our virtual office and gives us a place from which to live stream.

Above, you see Dave adhering our backdrop to our studio walls. We chose a versatile Steam Punk theme.

UPDATE – It’s 2022, and we’ve moved to a new, larger condo – not far from our old place. Our new place was built as a penthouse apartment in 1978 – it’s Mid-Century retro “groovy”.

It even has a turntable built into the wall and an awesome double patio deck – overlooking a large grassy area with many trees and birds.

We also now have a number of video “sets” throughout and more room for Dave to offer private lessons to train poker dealers.

We look forwarding to producing more videos for you to see how we’re developing skill-based games in Vegas. Our aim is to bring video games onto the casino floor.

Watch for Asteroid Arena! & Kings Court Poker.

We love our new place!